It All Begins Here…

The start of everyone’s gymnastics journey begins somewhere. For most it is in the recreational program. Our recreational program is not only fun and games, but hard work as well.

Our recreational program is built on the banner attributes that we wish all kids to achieve through sports. The main attribute we work on through the recreational program is “FUN”. Most kids learn through play. While hard work is important the value of play is also important as well.

Not Just A Girls Sport

Gymnastics is one of the original sports. In most of the rest of the world gymnastics is deemed a “man’s sport”. At Empowered Athletics we have one of the quickest growing and best men’s program in the state.

Most boys find gymnastics around the age of 10 and start in a recreational program. They have fun and learn to work hard. It teaches foundations of other sports including, conditioning, coordination, and HOW to run PROPERLY. Many of our boys athletes have done football in the fall and they get told that they have some of the best running form the coaches have seen. We do take pride in this as well.

Want to know more about our recreational program?